I hope to learn some useful tools and methods that will help with educating, mentoring people. I think education can be in many formats, and the trend now is slowly moving toward multimedia learning because of the development of technology and the pandemic. At this special period, multimedia learning will be more widespread worldwide. I’m currently major in psychology, however, I think psychology and education are closely related. I also have lots of experience working in different classes as a teacher or a teacher assistant. This course can definitely help with my future by expanding my knowledge of multimedia and digital interactive learning. I’m looking forward to learn how technologies can facilitate the diverse learning strategies and how technologies will make teaching more efficient.

The previous learning technologies which I think have made positive impact on me is the Youtube. One of my courses that I took last year is called Phil 301. I found the lecture and the textbook a little hard for me to comprehend and I was struggling with my assignments. However, I went on Youtube and searched for the content I was looking for (I didn’t know why but I’m glad I did that). There were so many videos I can use for learning the course content. The publishers of the videos illustrate the concept in such an easy, relaxing way. This is probably why this course, EDCI 337 will be amazing because multimedia learning is indeed powerful and efficient in some cases.